Workshop on R

May 2018

Hosted by Virginia Education Science Training (VEST) Program at UVA

Getting started

Exploratory data analysis I


This module takes the first steps in more formally exploring a data set. Because building and cleaning a data set is often an iterative process, especially in the early stages of a project, some of the techniques below could still be considered part of data wrangling.

Using data from another program

Doing data analysis often means working in teams, which, in turn, can mean working with a variety of programs and file types. When you need to use data that aren’t flat files (those ending in *.txt, *.csv, or *.tsv, for example) or in an R format, you can use one of the following libraries:

For practice, we’ll use the same ELS plans data set as before, but this time stored in a Stata *.dta file.

One benefit of Stata and other stats programs like SAS is that you can label variables and values. Base R data frames don’t support labels, but tibbles (tbl_df()) in the tidyverse do. By default, the read_dta() function we’ll use reads the data into a tibble. So that we can work with the variable and value labels that were saved in the *dta file, we’ll also load the labelled library.

## libraries: tidyverse + haven and labelled
## read in Stata dta file
df <- read_dta('../data/els_plans.dta')


First, let’s take a quick bird’s eye view of our data. In RStudio, you can use the View() command or just click on the data object in the Environment window. You can see the variable labels under the variable names in the view.

You can also use the glimpse() function to see a nicely formatted glimpse of the data

## use glimpse
Observations: 16,160
Variables: 22
$ stu_id   <dbl> 101101, 101102, 101104, 101105, 101106, 101107, 10110...
$ sch_id   <dbl> 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,...
$ strat_id <dbl> 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101...
$ psu      <dbl+lbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1...
$ f1sch_id <dbl> 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, NA, NA, 101...
$ bystuwt  <dbl> 178.9513, 28.2951, 589.7248, 235.7822, 178.9513, 256....
$ bysex    <dbl+lbl> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2...
$ byrace   <dbl+lbl> 5, 2, 7, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3...
$ bydob_p  <dbl> 198512, 198605, 198601, 198607, 198511, 198510, 19860...
$ bypared  <dbl+lbl> 5, 5, 2, 2, 1, 2, 6, 2, 2, 1, 6, 4, 4, 2, 7, 2, 7...
$ bymothed <dbl+lbl> 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 2, 6, 2, 2, 1, 6, 4, 3, 2, 7, 2, 2...
$ byfathed <dbl+lbl> 5, 5, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 7...
$ byincome <dbl+lbl> 10, 11, 10, 2, 6, 9, 10, 10, 8, 3, 8, 8, 5, 8, 12...
$ byses1   <dbl> -0.25, 0.58, -0.85, -0.80, -1.41, -1.07, 0.27, -0.16,...
$ byses2   <dbl> -0.23, 0.69, -0.68, -0.89, -1.28, -0.93, 0.36, -0.24,...
$ bystexp  <dbl+lbl> 3, 7, -1, 5, 5, 4, -1, 6, 7, 6, -1, 6, 6, -1, 7, ...
$ bynels2m <dbl> 47.84, 55.30, 66.24, 35.33, 29.97, 24.28, 45.16, 66.0...
$ bynels2r <dbl> 39.04, 36.35, 42.68, 27.86, 13.07, 11.70, 19.66, 45.3...
$ f1qwt    <dbl> 152.9769, 25.3577, 709.4246, 199.7193, 152.9769, 205....
$ f1pnlwt  <dbl> 155.6312, 25.4906, 725.6926, 205.1919, 155.6312, 211....
$ f1psepln <dbl+lbl> 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, NA, NA, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4,...
$ f2ps1sec <dbl+lbl> NA, 1, 1, 4, 4, NA, 4, 2, NA, 4, 1, NA, NA, 4, 2,...

The glimpse() function doesn’t show the labels, but it does let you know that columns like bysex have them with the <dbl+lbl> tag.

To see the variable labels, use the var_label() function. Notice that we can just add it to the end of the function chain, letting the pipe (%>%) input the selected columns.

## show the labels for just a few variables
df %>%
    select(stu_id, bysex, bypared, bynels2m) %>%
[1] "student id"

[1] "sex-composite"

[1] "parents^ highest level of education"

[1] "els-nels 1992 scale equated sophomore math score"

Unfortunately, the label for the bysex column doesn’t really tell us anything that we probably didn’t already guess based on the variable name. The problem with the name and label is that it is ambiguous. Unfortunately, so are the values:

## who first few rows of bysex
df %>% select(bysex)
# A tibble: 16,160 x 1
 1 2        
 2 2        
 3 2        
 4 2        
 5 2        
 6 1        
 7 1        
 8 1        
 9 1        
10 1        
# ... with 16,150 more rows

What does having a value of 1 or 2 mean? Use the val_labels() function to see.

## see value labels for bysex
df %>% select(bysex) %>% val_labels()
{survey component legitimate skip/na} 

Okay. In this data set, male students are coded as 1 and female students are coded as 2.

Quick exercise

Use the var_label() and val_labels() functions to inspect another variable with labels.

It turns out that the head() function (which works with regular data frames and vectors) will also give the value labels if it’s given a tibble and the values are labelled.

## show more information about bysex variable
<Labelled double>: sex-composite
[1] 2 2 2 2 2 1

 value                                 label
    -8 {survey component legitimate skip/na}
    -4                       {nonrespondent}
     1                                  male
     2                                female

Moving forward, it probably will be clearer if we generate a new indicator variable. For example, we could create the variable female that equals one if bysex is 2 and 0 otherwise.

## create an indicator variable for female
df <- df %>%
    mutate(female = ifelse(bysex == 2, 1, 0))

Quick exercise

Whoops! Our new indicator variable isn’t quite right because it doesn’t account for missing values. Redo the last command so that female == 1 when bysex == 2, female == 0 when bysex == 1 and female == NA when bysex is missing. (HINT: in R, use<x>) to check whether a value is missing.)

Summary statistics

Continuous values

We can get the mean and standard deviation of continuous variables using the mean() and sd() functions…

## get mean and sd
[1] NA
[1] NA

…except that bynels2m has missing values and R doesn’t automatically drop those when calculating those statistics. It can be a little annoying at first, but really it’s a nice feature because it lets you know that your data aren’t complete.

To ignore NAs, set the na.rm argument to TRUE.

## find mean and sd, telling R to remove NAs
mean(df$bynels2m, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 45.35452
sd(df$bynels2m, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 13.53664

Quick exercise

Find the mean and standard deviation of reading scores.

You can also compute summary statistics using dplyr and the summarise_all(), summarise_at(), and summarise_if() functions. Since we want to focus on one variable, we’ll use the summarise_at() function. (More information about the other commands can be found here.)

The summarise_at() function takes two main arguments, .vars and .funs. These are exactly what they sound like. .vars wants to know which variables (or columns) you want to work with. Wrap the ones you want in the vars() (no dot, .) function. .funs wants to know the summarizing function(s) you want, this time wrapped in the funs() function.

The funs() function can also take an argument, .args = list(), in which you can put all the arguments you want passed to the summarizing functions. Since we want mean() and sd() to ignore missing values, we put na.rm = TRUE in the list() that we pass to .args(). Keep in mind that the arguments in the .args list are passed to each and every function in funs(). Note that it may not always be the case that all the functions in funs() can take the same arguments, but it’s okay and even efficient in our case since we only have to include na.rm = TRUE once.

## mean and sd using dplyr
df %>%
    summarise_at(.vars = vars(bynels2m),
                 .funs = funs(mean, sd, .args = list(na.rm = TRUE)))
# A tibble: 1 x 2
   mean    sd
  <dbl> <dbl>
1  45.4  13.5

Quick exercise

Modify the above code to summarize reading scores at the same time.

Discrete values

Use the table() function for discrete variables. Because we know or maybe suspect that there are missing values, we add the useNA argument with the argument 'ifany'.

## table of parental education levels
table(df$bypared, useNA = 'ifany')

   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8 <NA> 
 942 3044 1663 1597 1758 3466 1785 1049  856 

Unfortunately, these numbers don’t mean much without reference to a code book. However, because are data are labelled, we can use the as_factor() function to see the labels.

## use as_factor() to get the value labels
table(as_factor(df$bypared), useNA = 'ifany')

   {survey component legitimate skip/na} 
              did not finish high school 
       graduated from high school or ged 
       attended 2-year school, no degree 
            graduated from 2-year school 
      attended college, no 4-year degree 
                  graduated from college 
 completed master^s degree or equivalent 
completed phd, md, other advanced degree 

Now we can see what the numbers represent. Why aren’t there any counts for the three missing labels, the ones with braces, while there are a number of NA values? Checking how the labels are assigned using the val_labels() function…

## check how bypared labels are assigned
   {survey component legitimate skip/na} 
              did not finish high school 
       graduated from high school or ged 
       attended 2-year school, no degree 
            graduated from 2-year school 
      attended college, no 4-year degree 
                  graduated from college 
 completed master^s degree or equivalent 
completed phd, md, other advanced degree 

…confirms that when the original data values indicating missingness were changed from negative numbers to . in Stata, the labels no longer applied. At the moment, we don’t care why the values are missing, but if we did, would have to find the original Stata data set that retained the negative values.

Quick exercise

Get counts for base year income levels.

To generate counts using dplyr, use the count() function. By chaining as_factor() to the end of the call, we can get the counts with associated labels. Notice that unlike table() in base R, count() includes missing values in the output.

## using dplyr to make a table
df %>%
    count(bypared) %>%
# A tibble: 9 x 2
  bypared                                      n
  <fct>                                    <int>
1 did not finish high school                 942
2 graduated from high school or ged         3044
3 attended 2-year school, no degree         1663
4 graduated from 2-year school              1597
5 attended college, no 4-year degree        1758
6 graduated from college                    3466
7 completed master^s degree or equivalent   1785
8 completed phd, md, other advanced degree  1049
9 <NA>                                       856

Quick exercise

Get counts for base year income levels again, this time using the dplyr method. What do you see if you drop as_factor() from the end?

Two-way table

Cross tabulations are also useful. With the table() function, instead of calling just table(x), that is, table() with one column, call table(x, y), where x and y are two columns with discrete values.

## table of parental education levels
table(as_factor(df$bypared), as_factor(df$bysex))
                                           {survey component legitimate skip/na}
  {missing}                                                                    0
  {survey component legitimate skip/na}                                        0
  {nonrespondent}                                                              0
  did not finish high school                                                   0
  graduated from high school or ged                                            0
  attended 2-year school, no degree                                            0
  graduated from 2-year school                                                 0
  attended college, no 4-year degree                                           0
  graduated from college                                                       0
  completed master^s degree or equivalent                                      0
  completed phd, md, other advanced degree                                     0
                                           {nonrespondent} male female
  {missing}                                              0    0      0
  {survey component legitimate skip/na}                  0    0      0
  {nonrespondent}                                        0    0      0
  did not finish high school                             0  440    502
  graduated from high school or ged                      0 1496   1548
  attended 2-year school, no degree                      0  823    840
  graduated from 2-year school                           0  849    748
  attended college, no 4-year degree                     0  859    899
  graduated from college                                 0 1737   1729
  completed master^s degree or equivalent                0  911    874
  completed phd, md, other advanced degree               0  503    546

Quick exercise

What happens when you switch the order of the variables in the table() function (i.e., table(y, x) instead of table(x, y)?

To make a cross table with dplyr, use group_by() before count() to generate counts within groups.

## use the group_by() and count() functions to make two-way table
df %>%
    group_by(bysex) %>%
    count(bypared) %>%
# A tibble: 19 x 3
# Groups:   bysex [3]
   bysex  bypared                                      n
   <fct>  <fct>                                    <int>
 1 male   did not finish high school                 440
 2 male   graduated from high school or ged         1496
 3 male   attended 2-year school, no degree          823
 4 male   graduated from 2-year school               849
 5 male   attended college, no 4-year degree         859
 6 male   graduated from college                    1737
 7 male   completed master^s degree or equivalent    911
 8 male   completed phd, md, other advanced degree   503
 9 male   <NA>                                        21
10 female did not finish high school                 502
11 female graduated from high school or ged         1548
12 female attended 2-year school, no degree          840
13 female graduated from 2-year school               748
14 female attended college, no 4-year degree         899
15 female graduated from college                    1729
16 female completed master^s degree or equivalent    874
17 female completed phd, md, other advanced degree   546
18 female <NA>                                        16
19 <NA>   <NA>                                       819

To make the dplyr table look more like the table made with base R, use the spread() function from tidyr.

## spread to look like other table
df %>%
    group_by(bysex) %>%
    count(bypared) %>%
    as_factor() %>%
    spread(bysex, n)
# A tibble: 9 x 4
  bypared                                   male female `<NA>`
  <fct>                                    <int>  <int>  <int>
1 did not finish high school                 440    502     NA
2 graduated from high school or ged         1496   1548     NA
3 attended 2-year school, no degree          823    840     NA
4 graduated from 2-year school               849    748     NA
5 attended college, no 4-year degree         859    899     NA
6 graduated from college                    1737   1729     NA
7 completed master^s degree or equivalent    911    874     NA
8 completed phd, md, other advanced degree   503    546     NA
9 <NA>                                        21     16    819

Quick exercise

The last table has an ugly <NA> column as well as an NA row in the bypared column. Can you modify the last function chain to remove those?

Conditional mean

Aside from cross tabulations, finding averages of continuous variables within groups, sometimes called conditional means, is a common task. We’ve already done this in the last couple of modules. With base R, use the aggregate() function to compute summary statistics of continuous values by group.

## get average math score by parental education 
aggregate(df$bynels2m, by = list(df$bypared), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  Group.1        x
1       1 36.29864
2       2 40.52292
3       3 42.57740
4       4 44.45236
5       5 44.65419
6       6 48.50667
7       7 51.99566
8       8 52.88417

Quick exercise

Is there a way to modify the code above to use the parental education levels instead of just the number in the above tables?

Adding a secondary group is not difficult. Just add another variable to the by list. Do demonstrate this, we’ll first create an indicator variable that equals one if a student’s base year family income was $25,000 or less and zero otherwise.

df <- df %>%
    mutate(lowinc = ifelse(byincome <= 7, 1, 0))

## get average math score by low income status and parental education levels
aggregate(df$bynels2m, by = list(df$lowinc, df$bypared), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
   Group.1 Group.2        x
1        0       1 36.74020
2        1       1 35.88120
3        0       2 42.09193
4        1       2 37.64148
5        0       3 44.01492
6        1       3 38.03843
7        0       4 45.79327
8        1       4 39.06331
9        0       5 46.01975
10       1       5 38.93340
11       0       6 49.33081
12       1       6 41.50602
13       0       7 52.82858
14       1       7 41.42392
15       0       8 54.15734
16       1       8 38.45988

The dplyr way of computing a conditional mean is clearer in some ways and a little more confusing in others. On one hand, using the group_by() function makes it very clear which is the grouping variable. On the other hand, the summarise_at() function is a bit more involved. The main thing to remember is that (like with the base R aggregate() function above), you need to pass the na.rm = TRUE argument to the mean function. Otherwise, R won’t know what to do with the missing values and will return NA.

## using dplyr to get average math score by parental education level
df %>%
    group_by(bypared) %>%
    summarise_at(.vars = vars(bynels2m),
                 .funs = funs(mean, .args = list(na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
# A tibble: 9 x 2
  bypared                                  bynels2m
  <fct>                                       <dbl>
1 did not finish high school                   36.3
2 graduated from high school or ged            40.5
3 attended 2-year school, no degree            42.6
4 graduated from 2-year school                 44.5
5 attended college, no 4-year degree           44.7
6 graduated from college                       48.5
7 completed master^s degree or equivalent      52.0
8 completed phd, md, other advanced degree     52.9
9 <NA>                                         44.8

Once you’ve got the format, finding the conditional mean within a cross tabulation (group 1 X group 2) is straightforward: just add the variable to the group_by() function.

## using dplyr to get average math score by income and parental education level
df %>%
    group_by(bypared, lowinc) %>%
                 funs(mean, .args = list(na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
# A tibble: 18 x 3
# Groups:   bypared [?]
   bypared                                  lowinc bynels2m
   <fct>                                     <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 did not finish high school                    0     36.7
 2 did not finish high school                    1     35.9
 3 graduated from high school or ged             0     42.1
 4 graduated from high school or ged             1     37.6
 5 attended 2-year school, no degree             0     44.0
 6 attended 2-year school, no degree             1     38.0
 7 graduated from 2-year school                  0     45.8
 8 graduated from 2-year school                  1     39.1
 9 attended college, no 4-year degree            0     46.0
10 attended college, no 4-year degree            1     38.9
11 graduated from college                        0     49.3
12 graduated from college                        1     41.5
13 completed master^s degree or equivalent       0     52.8
14 completed master^s degree or equivalent       1     41.4
15 completed phd, md, other advanced degree      0     54.2
16 completed phd, md, other advanced degree      1     38.5
17 <NA>                                          0     46.2
18 <NA>                                          1     39.3

Quick exercise

Modify the above example slightly so that the average reading scores by parental education level are also included. Next, compute the standard deviation in addition to the mean. Finally, see if you can gather the resulting table to make it look more like a published table (mean above standard deviation).