Using area within zip code
## public schools within 50 miles of midtown Nashville, TN
df <- sc_init() |>
sc_filter(control == 1) |>
sc_select(unitid, instnm, stabbr) |>
sc_year(2013) |>
sc_zip(37203, 50) |>
#> Request complete!
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#> unitid instnm stabbr year
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 219602 Austin Peay State University TN 2013
#> 2 219888 Columbia State Community College TN 2013
#> 3 219994 Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Dickson TN 2013
#> 4 220279 Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Hartsville TN 2013
#> 5 220978 Middle Tennessee State University TN 2013
#> 6 221102 Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Murfreesboro TN 2013
#> 7 221184 Nashville State Community College TN 2013
#> 8 221838 Tennessee State University TN 2013
#> 9 222053 Volunteer State Community College TN 2013
#> 10 248925 Tennessee College of Applied Technology Nashville TN 2013
Large pull
The College Scorecard will only return 100 results at a time. When there are more than 100 results, the package will make multiple pulls and append all results before returning.
## median earnings for students who first enrolled in a public
## college in the New England or Mid-Atlantic regions: 10 years later
df <- sc_init() |>
sc_filter(control == 1, region == 1:2, ccbasic == 1:24) |>
sc_select(unitid, instnm, md_earn_wne_p10) |>
sc_year(2009) |>
#> Large request will require: 2 additional pulls.
#> Request additional chunk 1
#> Request additional chunk 2
#> Request complete!
#> # A tibble: 255 × 4
#> unitid instnm md_earn_wne_p10 year
#> <int> <chr> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 128577 Asnuntuck Community College 30200 2009
#> 2 128771 Central Connecticut State University 46400 2009
#> 3 128780 Charter Oak State College NA 2009
#> 4 129020 University of Connecticut 54500 2009
#> 5 129215 Eastern Connecticut State University 43600 2009
#> 6 129367 Connecticut State Community College 34100 2009
#> 7 129543 Connecticut State Community College Housatonic 34100 2009
#> 8 129695 Manchester Community College 34600 2009
#> 9 129729 Naugatuck Valley Community College 32000 2009
#> 10 129756 Middlesex Community College 34700 2009
#> # ℹ 245 more rows